🌟大変!大変です!当団体の活動にボランティアで関わってくださっている皆さま(「村民」と呼ばせていただいております!)のお一人、上野朱音さんから、厳しい女性教育制限下での「女性たちの学校」に応援メッセージ!ありがとうございます!ユナイト!☆クラファン実施中!10/31まで! https://syncable.biz/campaign/4818

Hello everyone. I was moved by the way you are working with great faith despite the earthquake and unstable political situation.
It can be frustrating to not be able to immediately provide direct support from Japan, which is far away, and because there are various hurdles.
However, we would like to continue to help in some way, and at the same time, we believe that by working together even during difficult times, the situation will change for the better.
We will continue to cheer your faith, hope, and will power.
Thank you.
上野 朱音
Akane Iwai
🌷Dear Friends in Afghanistan. At this critical time, we stand by you. You are not alone. We are All United for PEACE!🍀